Online Worship for Easter Sunday, April 12th
April 11th, 2020 | Community Updates
If you’re new, welcome! If not, welcome back! You can view our weekly worship service for Sunday, April 5th above.
We know this is a very different way to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, but please do your best to prepare your heart and sing the worship along with the video. You may also want to prepare some juice/wine and bread for the directed meditation for our time of Communion after the message led by Beth Wheeler. Please stick around for worship after communion and for a benediction by Leah Swindon.
Obviously, due to COVID-19 restrictions we will not be gathering for Easter Sunday. While we know this is a disappointment for many, we think it’s wise to follow the governments mandate to not gather due to the Coronavirus. Please know that we will celebrate Resurrection Day and Jesus’ victory over sin and death when we are able to gather together once again. In the mean time, it is certainly worth noting that we can celebrate Jesus’ resurrrection each and every day, especially each time we take communion.
Please subscribe to our Weekly News to stay informed.
CLICK HERE to check out our COVID-19 Response page.
We have NO prayer meetings this week. Our next gathering will be on Monday evening, April 20th at 6:30pm. Look for the link to the Zoom meeting in the Weekly News and on the Blog later this week.