If you wish to make a gift of stock to West Seattle Christian Church by electronic transfer, contact your brokerage or other financial firm for instructions.
You may need to provide your firm with some or all of the following information:
Gift recipient: West Seattle Christian Church
Taxpayer ID Number: 91-6000899
Address: 4400 42nd Ave SW (Seattle, WA 98116-4223)
Church Fidelity brokerage account number: Z40-040402
Fidelity’s Depository Trust Company (DTC) number: 0226
The address at Fidelity to direct the Transfer of Assets (TOA) information/request from your brokerage or financial firm to the church’s brokerage account with Fidelity is:
Fidelity Investments
Attn: TOA Receives
PO Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0036
Ask your brokerage/financial firm if you need a Medallion signature guarantee in order to process your request to transfer assets to the church. A Medallion signature guarantee is commonly available at banks, credit unions or other financial institutions. Please note that a notary seal/stamp is NOT a Medallion signature guarantee.
In order to receive the proper credit for your contribution, please notify us of the details of your gift (the number of shares, the name(s) of the stock(s) you are transferring, and the designation to which you would like your gift applied). The available designations for stock gifts are the General Operating Fund or the Endowment Fund. Your gift will be acknowledged on your annual contribution statement. You may direct any questions regarding stock contributions to treasurer@westseattlechristian.church.