No Worship Gathering – December 30th, 2018
December 17th, 2018 | Community Updates
As we’ve done in the past, we are taking a day of rest on the last Sunday of December in 2018, the 30th. We don’t take this lightly, but rather, view this “day off” from our regular worship gathering as a posture and stance of trust in our God. This is Jesus’ church, and he will build it. Taking the day to rest and make your own sabbath plan in order to reflect on the past year and the year ahead should be meaningful. This can also be a great family conversation and calendar-mapping activity!
This day of rest is also what we view as a healthy way for our church family to say “Thank You” to our many talented and wonderful volunteers, who give their time and talents week in and week out all year round. You might pick up a card from our card ministry table by the coffee bar on Sunday and send a thank you to someone you know helps out in one of our ministries every week!
If you’d like to make a Year-End gift to help us finish the year strong, please see our post about specific Year-End Giving details, or go to our Giving page.
Be sure to make your calendar so you don’t show up all by yourself. Also, look for upcoming announcements to listen to a special message online that day.
Last but not least, please join us for our New Year’s Brunch in the CHAPEL on Sunday, January 6th for our first gathering of the New Year. It will be a grand time together!