Bible Study – Ephesians

September 9th, 2019 | Community Updates

We’re excited to announce a new mid-week Bible Study Course through N.T. Wright Online this Fall at West Seattle Christian. The class will be facilitated by Wendy Vickers every other Wednesday night during this fall and winter season. There is an online learning component in conjunction with “on the ground” discussions hosted by a facilitator here at the church. Our Bible Study facilitator for our first class at N.T. Wright Online is Wendy Vickers! Three cheers for Wendy!

When and Where Will the Course Start?
Our first Bible Study group discussion will be on Wednesday evening, October 9th in our KIDS’ CITY wing (Enter through the door in our breezeway and head to the main elementary room, while the rest of the building is under renovation).

How Much Does the Course Cost?

Every Small Group Edition course at N.T. Wright Online is offered for $14.99 per participant! That’s about the same price as a typical text-only study guide. A little buy-in goes a long way towards being present for group discussions and doing the work online on your own.

How Do I Sign Up?

You can sign up right now by heading over to the course page at N.T. Wright Online. For more help, please take a look at our enrollment instructions HERE. If you have issues enrolling please CONTACT US.

Who This Course is For?

The Structure of the Course: Online + On-the-Ground

The courses in this series combine the video teachings of Prof. Wright with discussion questions designed to spark engaging small group discussion, and help us apply the lessons from the Biblical text. The course includes:

What Will I Learn in the Course?

Participants in this course on Ephesians will:

Bible Study, Spiritual Formation