Sermon – Water to Wine?
September 23rd, 2018 | Worth Wheeler
Why is Jesus’ first miracle so important, and how does it set the tone for his entire ministry to come? Key text: John 2v1-12
Why is Jesus’ first miracle so important, and how does it set the tone for his entire ministry to come? Key text: John 2v1-12
A case study on God’s patience. Key text: Judges 16v4-22.
We encourage children of all ages to participate in our worship gathering. Here are a few ideas to help your child connect with what’s happening during our worship time together: BEFORE WORSHIP Explain to kids that we are going to pray, sing, and worship God together. Build expectation that the time we spend in worship is special. CALL TO WORSHIP … Read More
A deeper look at the significance of the Lord’s Prayer. Key text: Matthew 6v9-13.
If you are new to West Seattle Christian Church, we would love to host you at our next Newcomer’s Class. It will be held on February 11th, immediately following worship service at 11:30am. This is a great way to hear the purpose, mission, vision and values for the church, learn how to get involved, and meet our staff. And best of all, get a free lunch! … Read More